...比计数管;4π中子探测器;探测效率;蒙特卡罗方法;mcnp [gap=1006]keywords:3he proportional counter; 4π neutron detector;detector efficiency; monte carlo method; mcnp code ...
... 中子计数器 neutron counter 中子侦检器 neutron detector 中子绕射装置 neutron diffraction apparatus ...
... 中子侦测效率 neutron detection efficiency 中子侦测器 neutron detector 中子侦测器 neutron detector ...
scintillator slow neutron detector 闪烁体慢中子探测器
Gd neutron detector 钆中子探测器
slow neutron detector 慢中子探测器
Bonner-Ball neutron detector 邦纳鲍尔中子探测器
self-power neutron detector 自给能中子探测器
fast neutron detector 快中子探测器
long thermal neutron detector 长寿命热中子探测器
high-energy neutron detector 高能中子探测器
gamma ray and neutron detector 射线和中子探测器
To get the ion temperature Ti and the fuel density< ρR> under low neutron yield, we need to establish a large area neutron detector array to measure the time-of-flight neutron spectrum.
参考来源 - 大阵列中子谱仪的标定与集成技术·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector will look for hydrogen that indicates water ice.
Adopting large area Si-PIN detector and adding the polyethylene film, a fast response pulsed neutron detector is manufactured.
A neutron detector aboard the lunar orbiter found a decrease in neutron radiation that could represent either water or hydrogen in certain areas.